Required Identification
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M&M Mobile Notary & Signing Agents can only accept an identification card issued by the United States Government, a U.S. State, or Tribal Government. (A.R.S. § 41-311). The card must be current and must contain the following:
- Individual’s photo
- Signature
- Written physical description
The ID card must meet all of these requirements.
M&M Mobile Notary & Signing Agents cannot use one ID card that has some of the requirements and another ID card that has the other requirements. The written physical description must contain, at a minimum, the individual’s height, weight, color of hair, and color of eyes. The identification card must be current.
Some specific types of identification cards accepted, providing they meet all Arizona statutory requirements, are the following:
- Driver’s License
- Military Identification Card
- State-issued Identification Card
- United States Issued Passport
- Permanent Residence Card
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